Sunday, August 5, 2007

Can TMI lead to DWI?

In preparation for the tournament, I went to Costco with my brother and his wife to load up on beverages. We have big tubs of iced drinks placed throughout the course. Well, we bought so much beer that I had to fill out a form that gets registered with the State! What the hell!? Feels very big brother to me.

I filled it out, but should I be worried? I haven't driven a car since my surgery, but I thought I might have had to tomorrow. We have a LOT of stuff to bring out for our silent auction. Turns out we've squeezed it all into four other vehicles, and we are going to make one extra trip for a large screen TV. No driving for me.

But I'm feeling ready and may try on Tuesday while I'm still out in the burbs at my mom's. What if I get pulled over? Given my vertigo status, I know for a fact I would fail a line test on the spot. Then all they have to do is check in their computer and see that I purchased 288 cans of beer on Friday. Perhaps Nicole Ritchie and I can share a cell.

On a separate note, we're very depressed about the weather report in the Traynor household tonight. There is a good chance for on and off showers all during our tournament tomorrow. We've always held our event on the last Thursday in July. This year was the first year we were given the option to hold it on a Monday - so we thought that would be easier for folks to take a day off - make a long weekend out of it. But we knew we were tempting the golf gods. When we booked it I said to my brother, "This will probably be the first year we get rain."

What can I say? Golfers are hearty souls. That's why there is an object called a "golf umbrella."


Anonymous said...

I never touch even a drop if I'm going to drive -- or take cough medicine -- because I know I can't pass a drunk test. I asked a cop once what I should do if I were ever stopped, and he said to tell the officer right away that I have a medically diagnosed balance disorder, and they wouldn't make me take the test. (Although I am much better at walking a straight line now than I was for the first few years.)

Anonymous said...

Good luck...Thinking of you..Nik