Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And then there were four...

I have been finding this season of The Bachelor a little boring. Maybe it's because I was making it through the last season on narcotics. But this week the introduction lets me know that we will be witnessing "The most dramatic exit in Bachelor history." Ok. They've got my attention.

Terry tries to act like he's working, but looks up from his laptop as our host Chris explains whoever makes it past tonight gets the hometown dates and says, "This guy is useless. And what's up with that shirt? That is awful." (As much as I love our host, the shirt is awful.)

Right off the bat, DeAnna claims that she's onto Bettina's game. That wiley Bettina is trying to be the mysterious girl, says DeAnna. The girl you can't figure out what she's got going on. Yes, she's trying to make Brad fall in love with her in six weeks or less. Very hidden agenda. Covert, even.

Bettina pipes in and implies she's been playing hard to get up until now. It's just the way she's been brought up. Hmm. Sending in an application and auditioning to appear on national televition and compete to marry a man you have yet to meet. Very hard to get.

On to the Group Date. A pool party at Brad's. He drawls out that he just wants to get to know these ladies in a more comfortable situation. More comfortable. Like in bikinis on a slip 'n slide. Mmmm... comfy.

Hillary's not-made-for-TV bleeper fantasy fest was hilarious. Made even funnier because I know it will be soon followed by "The most shocking exit in Bachelor history." Then I see a glimpse into the catalyst. Right after Hillary gives Brad the "you remind me of my dad and they say girls marry their dads," speech (a very disturbing scene to cut to after Hillary's let me tell you what I want Brad to do to me fantasy) Brad tells her he thinks they may be too good of friends. The F word. Right to her face. I'm wincing, but God bless her, this blows right past Hillary who claims to be thrilled about their connection. Glancing up from the keyboard, Terry notes, "She's not reading the right mail, is she?"

Hillary doesn't get it when Brad tells her they are "too good of friends," but the facade starts to break down when she realizes he's going off to kiss Jenni in a hammock. "Why is that not me!?"

On to Sheena's one on one date. What was with the balloons? That did not seem romantic to me. It looked like a low budget bar mitzvah. Redeeming moment: strapping on the Chopard.

Sheena's kind of goofy, and it's endearing (how about that fall down the stairs? Haven't we all been there?). But the sweetness crosses the line to awkward with the rose ceremony poem delivery. She sets the moles on Brad's arm and patch of hair on his ear to iambic pentameter. What the hell? She's trying to tell him that she likes him and that's what she says? Why didn't she say she noticed how small his hands and feet are for God's sake. Brad is speechless and asks if he can keep the poem. Terry's comment from the peanut gallery, "So I can show it to all my friends next month after I boot you off the show."

Brad tells Bettina their date was perfect. Bettina agrees. Of course, not as perfect as walking away with Chopard diamond earrings, but pretty good.

Then more signs of the trainwreck that's a comin' with some commentary from Brad, "I want to talk to Hillary so badly because at the pool party she asked me point blank what my feelings for her were, and I had to be honest - that this girl is just a friend. That's what I want her to know tonight. But how can I relay that to someone who won't listen to a word I'm saying?"

Brad gives her the speech, "Let me be a straight shooter. We're good friends. I don't get nervous around you because I think of you as a friend. I'm telling you this because I am trying to be a good friend. Are you ok? I'm only asking as a friend."

God bless her, she doesn't miss a beat and launches into her response, "I feel the same way. We're best friends. We could be lovers. And husband and wife. I'm so happy when I'm around you, I just want to thank you for that." Brad blinks twice as his life flashes before his eyes. Later Hillary lets us in on her thoughts, "Some of the girls see us as more of a best friend type of thing. You know what? I feel more than that, and I know he feels more than that too and I know with the circumstance he can't really say how he feels."

Oh my God. Somebody get her therapist on stand-by. With a syringe full of something powerful.
Suddenly it's happening. The meltdown is in full throttle. Hillary holds her head in her hands while she tries a visualization exercise and repeats over and over, "Everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for a reason." My therapist always says, "everything happens for a reason."

Brad tries to step in and calm down the scenario, "I want you to know I think you're one in a million." To which Terry responds, "Or at least one in twenty five. Of all the women I've met on this show, you're definitely one of them." [Way to go, ABC - you've converted another viewer with your slutty girls and NFL mentions.]

Hoping next week's hometown dates will bring more drama....

Wanna meet my dad?


John said...

I agree that this season is a bit of a snooze. I thought "the most dramatic exit ever" would involve a collapse or her slapping him or something better than sobbing. Brad is a very nice guy. I probably would have asked a producer to get her further away from the house.

I am struggling to pick:
a. my favorite - no one will match Sadie from a couple seasons back
b. who Brad will choose. I was thinking Bettina until the preview of next week.

Right now, here is my call...

DeAnna is my favorite. Jenni for the win. It will come down to "being needed". DeAnna's independence is nice, but he'll want someone who will let him be a hero.

JAV said...

John -

I completely agree - I thought there would be more than sobbing.

And I am impressed with your analysis. Way to spot the hero complex. You are more sensitive than I gave you credit for ;)


John said...

Should I be offended?

JAV said...

If you weren't offended by last week's "gonorrhea" comment, then definitely no ;)