Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hearing nothing vs. hearing nothing

I had back to back experiences yesterday that highlighted the ying and yang of my hearing issues just perfectly.

1. Hearing nothing

I trekked out to RadioShack to purchase my new favorite items. When the sales associate stepped over to his computer to help figure out which igo tips I would need, he fell on my deaf side. So I didn't hear him while he repeated with increasing volume, "Excuse me, miss, which Blackberry do you have? Miss? Excuse me, Miss? Hello? Ma'am?" Other customers had begun to stare by the time I heard him. By now, of course, he already thinks I'm some crazy, vacant ditz who, in fact, may even be drunk. I didn't help matters when I emphatically told him how upset I was by the complicated tangle of chargers that was slowly taking over the apartment. He laughed and said, "Um, you're getting a little red as you're talking about it. Are you ok? You're kind of scary right now." (Only my husband understands the depth of my desperate need for obsessive organization.)

2. Hearing nothing

On my way home I passed a cute clothing store. Since I'm going back to work late next week (assuming the docs clear me during my appointments), I felt justified in indulging in a little retail therapy. A sales girl was helping me collect the items I wanted to try on and hung them in a dressing room for me while I shopped. She hovered (at an appropriate distance) while I scanned the racks. There was some pretty loud music playing in the store, and the sounds were definitely swirling in my head. On at least a dozen occasions, I could swear that sales girl was speaking to me. She wasn't. Nonetheless, I kept abruptly swinging around and staring intently at her mouth. I startled her more than once, and that "appropriate distance" kept getting more and more, shall we say, appropriate.

If the girl in the boutique knows the guy at RadioShack, I will most definitely be banned from both stores. I laughed all the way home while listening to my now stereo to mono nano.

Here's a pic of the top I bought (I'm thinking leggings and ballet flats):


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Not bad enough that there's stuff we can't hear, we get to think we hear stuff that no one's saying.

JAV said...

I know! SO unfair. Hope the seminar wasn't too boring and you're surviving the countdown.

Carmen said...

Hi, I know exactly what purple chai is writing about! I am always asking "What?" and I am told "I didn't say anything!" Embarassing at times...

JAV said...

It happens to me especially now that I'm out in public and not in a quiet apartment all the time. Funny update - lately the same thing keeps happening to my husband. Sympathy auditory hallucinations!