David Halberstam, chronicler of post-war America, dead at 73
http://www.economist.com/obituary/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9111494This obituary seems ironically timely. With war funding rhetoric flying and an angry (and defensive) George Tenent making the talk show rounds promoting his new book (At the Center of the Storm, My Years at the CIA), it seems we could have used more reporters like David Halberstam four years ago.
(SJS: looking forward to hearing about your one degree from Halberstam.)
Embarrassingly, I just picked up a book about 2 months ago that has been on my dusty "to read" list for years: Summer of 49 (written of course by Halberstam). It's not 1 degree of separation, and if all of the authors on my purchased-but-not-read list suddenly disappeared there would be an unrivaled literary dearth.
Halberstam was a dreaded but true Yankee fan (ugh). Despite his derelict ideas about them, a darn good writer
Not one degree of separation, but certainly a strange coincidence. Hmm. You just started reading my blog about two months ago too. Yikes. I'll make sure the life insurance policy is paid up. Terence may be moving to a classic six on Central Park West soon. But don't worry - he'll be rooting for the Mets from the tricked out media room.
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