Friday, March 30, 2007

Henry the VIII never looked so good

I can not wait to see The Tudors. As my friend Babs has pointed out, Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a Corker, so he's alright with me.

Here's a review from the Times:


TGV said...

I myself prefer the corpulent, drumstick-heaving, wife-and-Thomas More-beheading version of Henry. At least with that version I wouldn't have to listen to my wife intoning "he's SO hot" over and over again.

Fun TGV fact - I played Thomas More in a thrilling St. William the Abbot 5th grade production of "A Man For All Seasons", in which I was beheaded by a cardboard ax as the curtain came down. You can't even imagine the drama.

Unknown said...


You are not alone my friend. Iris has similar feeling about JRM. Why can't Penelope Cruz get into an HBO series??

We have watched the first 2 episodes of the Tudors (they are already on Showtime on Demand), and Iris is addicted.

But, you will be glad to know that by the end of the second episode, there will be a beheading!!