Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday - The Patient Is Coming Home!

Best news yet - Joan called this morning at 8:15 to say that she has been cleared to go home today!

While her mother, brother, and sister-in-law and I were out last night guzzling margaritas at El Parador (GREAT Mexican, BTW), she was up and walking laps with her private duty night nurse (best money we ever spent. The night nurse, not the margaritas. Although those margaritas were really, really good....).

OK, back to the point. Apparently being up and about under your own steam is the "you can get outta here now" trigger, so I'm going to check her out of the glamorous Hotel Neuroma at lunchtime today.

Thanks again to all for the outpourings of love and support over the last few difficult days - your thoughts, prayers and good humor have really kept Joanie smiling.

So anyone who was hoping to visit Joan in the hospital, forget about it.

I'll be posting again this afternoon to let you all know how the trip home goes and how the patient is settling back in at home.


Anonymous said...


I'm so glad you've done this. I'm thrilled to hear Joan's going home. I knew she'd be as good at this surgery business as she is at everything else. As soon as she's able to drink a little (yeah right) wine, let me know!

Anonymous said...

We're so happy to hear everything is going well with Joan's recovery! Luke said: "Wiggles, Wiggles, blurg-a-gurg, daddy, mommy, mine, mine, mine.....' We think that means 'Get well soon, Auntie Joan.'

Steve, Lisa, and Luke