Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Surgicus Interruptus

We found out that instead of reporting to the hospital at 6:00 am tomorrow (as originally planned), we now have to show up at 12:00 noon. I am not happy about this - especially since I can't eat after midnight. I suppose I have to look at the bright side. Whomever is going before me is in a more emergency situation.

So don't panic when you don't see the "Joan is out of surgery" post until tomorrow evening.

Thanks for all the comments. I know people are only being nice about the perm because I have a brain tumor. I'll take whatever leeway I can get.....


Anonymous said...

Joan...our thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Whatever they are...take the drugs!!! Every one they offer you. Don't be a hero ;-)

Anonymous said...

Joan - In case you're reading the blog this morning (pre-surgery) - I am so sorry about the delay until noon. Just think of it this way - the surgical team will be more awake & the staff has to be extra nice to you for making you wait!
I'm wondering...I was truly thinking about you this morning & sending prayers & positive thoughts to you in surgery...now since you were home due to the delayed surgery...I'm wondering what happened to my thoughts & prayers? Did they go to the patient who took your slot or are they hovering and waiting for you? Well, just to be safe, I'll do it again at noon today! :)