Sunday, March 18, 2007


Pre-surgical preparation has included some very practical measures:

  • Spent over $500 on pajamas

  • Used 17 coupons at Bed, Bath & Beyond buying a ridiculous number of pillows and other nesting tools. (Tip for all: BB&B will accept expired coupons as well as coupons for competitors)

  • Spent St. Patrick's Day raising a few pints of Guinness to fortify my blood. Here's a pic of my brother, Brendan, and I at the Fitzpatrick Hotel (on East 44th Street) wearing our Irish finery.

1 comment:

Dani Westfall said...

Why am I not surprised that despite the serious nature of this surgery, i find myself with stomach pains from laughing so hard. Joanie..You, Me and Dupree are going on a shopping adventure along the Miracle Mile post surgery.